Monday, March 31, 2008
Ah, Opening Day............Go Mariners!!
Across the US, today & tomorrow, is Opening Day for baseball & it's just wonderful!! I'm not much of a basketball, football or soccer fan, but Seatte Mariner's husband & I live, breathe & sleep it. Every Opening Day, we have tickets & although, I'm sure that we will probably freeze our tookus' off today at the game, it will be so worth it!!
Steve Kelly, a writer for the Seattle Times Newspaper sums it up quite well.
"Opening day doesn't announce itself meteorologically. There isn't some drastic change in the air temperature that gets us out of houses and out to the ballgame. Our internal clocks just seem to know. Baseball fans have a sixth sense that tells them it's time to get going.
For a sports fan, this is the best time of year. College basketball is in the final leg of the great celebration of its sport. Brackets are filling up like reservations at Canlis.
The Masters is looming and the possibility of Tiger Woods winning the Grand Slam is as real as the azalea bushes around Amen Corner.
But opening day trumps all of them.
Opening day isn't just about today. It means something important in our lives is back and is going to be with us for the next seven months, every day, as dependable as the phases of the moon.
It is baseball, returned from its hibernation, a day that should be celebrated like a national holiday, the firing of the starter's pistol to begin the magical, marathon march to October."
Sorry this isn't an entry on Fiber(I'll post tomorrow on what I did this weekend). Today, it's all about Baseball!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Spring ATC's
Remember this?
This is what I ended up doing with it & I like how it turned out! I actually started over. Hand dyed neon green cotton base, then layering metallic eyelash yarn, black Misty Fuse, & finishing with the neon green eyelash yarn & touching it with an iron to fuse it all together. (You might have to click on the second picture to see the metallic eyelash yarn.) I love how the colors worked out!
A little different shade of green..................looking back upon different things that I've created, I guess I can say I find comfort in analagous colors. Again the base fabric, a hand dyed green that I didn't think was successful, but used in these ATC's, I think they turned out ok. Layered with machine stitching, hand dyed cheesecloth, lumiere rubber stamping & metallic spiral clips. (I think this is about as close to pastel as I will probably ever get & still like it.)
Monday, March 24, 2008
Fun weekend of dyeing
Had to show you these two parfaits that I did over the weekend. When I first learned how to dye (many years ago), I worked a lot in the colors of the first photo. In this past year, I've grown to love other colors as well, like in the second photo. I have to say that my intentions for the orange parfait were to be a spiral. No spiral, but I think it turned out quite nicely.
I used the left over Golden Yellow & Turkish Red from my "make orange" study.
Wished you could see the colors just a little bit better, it's a really subtle gradation from the golden yellow (looks orange) to the turkish red.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Beautiful work from Purple Missus

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
All that glitters part 2

As promised, here are the postcards that I said I would photograph again & they still didn't turn out as well as I had hoped (they look SO much better in person). I have a feeling that the metallic threads don't play well with the camera flash. If you click on the photos, you can see a little bit better detail.
The top photo, I used hand dyed navy kona fabric, black misty fuse & a beautiful dark navy metallic eyelash yarn. (Maybe this eyelash color would show up better on a lighter colored back ground fabric?) The second & third photos are the same piece. The second photo you can see the background parfait color better & the third photo you can see the eyelash yarns better. I do apologize that I couldn't capture the colors better because I have to say, I think they turned out wonderful!! Maybe, I'll try them out on some lighter colored backgrounds & see what happens??
Monday, March 17, 2008
All that glitters
I had so much fun making these!! I made these for a Bookmark trade in F.A.T. I really like how they turned out (especially the neon green ones). They're made from hand dyed fabric (remember those parfaits I did in a couple of posts back), black misty fuse & metallic eyelash yarn.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A woman after my own heart!!
Johanna Fritz sent this to me from our "Paper Pieced PC" swap, in Surface Design. LOVE that swirl & the colors are just fabulous!! Thank you, Joanna!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It Ain't Easy Being Green...............
Monday, March 10, 2008
What a weekend.................
...............can't believe it was only 2 days long!!!
I also did 2 more 11-step runs of make green (trying to find that neon green that I used in many of my past pieces). I did one run with ProChem's Golden Yellow & Turquoise (talk about nasty drabby green) & the other run with ProChem's Sun Yellow & Turquoise. I knew that neon green had to be in there somewhere & Michelle mentioned doing a couple of steps in between that I didn't do in the first run & she was right!! I found it, thank you Michelle!!! (I'll try to get those runs posted tomorrow so you can see the wonderful colors.)
It was Daylight Savings, "Spring forward" this weekend as well. My brain nor my body seems to do very well when we have to set our clocks an hour ahead. I feel like I'm always trying to catch up. The one nice thing about it though is that daylight tends to stick around a little bit longer in the evenings.
The topper to my weekend was when I got carded at the grocery store for alcohol. I'll be 39 in September, not looking forward to turning 40 & this wonderful cashier makes my day by asking for my ID. I think she was a little embarrassed when she carded me & realized how OLD I was. She apologized & said, "there's no way you're that age, you look so young, whatever you're doing, it's working. You look great!!" (Made my ENTIRE weekend!!)