Sunday, November 28, 2010
Indie Spotting for the Holidays
My shop is featured in their "handmade holidays" section on their IndieSpotting website site & on their sister site An Indie Christmas under their "handmade holidays gifts" section.
If you're looking to support artists, creating handmade unique items & wanting to stay out of the "big box" retail stores, this is a great place to start!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Who is that artist?
It was that same grandma that saved these creations of mine while I was growing up. We came across these little treasures when we moved her from her big 6 bedroom house of 60 years into a 1 bedroom apartment. This first one as you'll see in the picture, was done in 1974 (I was 5 years old).
The potholders (remember the little looms we all made those looped potholders on), I was 10 years old. (I still love weaving today.) At least I had an eye for color in the brown one, not so sure about the other one though :) I remember making TONS of these!! It was so touching to see that grandma had saved these ALL THESE YEARS!!
One of the many things my family did right was to expose me to some type of art since I was 4 years old (I was put into dance classes & didn't stop that until age 16). I was encouraged to draw, to paint, to dance (music was in the house at all times) we went to musicals, I was in art fairs, anything that involved the arts, we were encouraged to participate.. I remember taking art & music classes all through K-12. (Then a college degree in Fiber Art.)
(Time to get on my soap box here) This summer, I went to an Art Fair in Leavenworth, Washington & I had the opportunity to visit with one of the jewelers. He explained to me that 20% of all of the sales of this art fair, which was every weekend for two months, went to local schools so it could help them have an art program, which was one hour once a week. ONE HOUR, ONCE A WEEK? That broke my heart! Apparently, (I didn't know this, since I don't have children) but with budget cuts, in the schools, the Arts are the first to go? That saddens me. Children should all have the opportunity of being exposed to the Arts, encouraged to create & to only get one hour a week to do this? I just hope families are encouraging their children to create at home since they can't get that at school anymore.
(Ok, I'm down off the soapbox, now) :)
I am VERY grateful & thankful that my family encouraged me, while growing up, to be creative!!! Maybe some day, those pieces above will be worth something, lol!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fall is in the air...............
Along with fall, come the beautiful browns, reds & oranges so I'd thought I'd share with you my interpretation on the browns, reds & oranges in my repurposed art :)
M&M's always does a great job at creating packaging for all the seasons!!
I'm not much of a chocolate person, however, I do love a Snickers every now & then!!
This is entirely new labeling for me to work with. A friend of mine works in a bar, so she's been saving me labels from liquor bottles. This wallet was made from Knob Creek Kentucky Bourbon. (Now if I could find myself a coffee drinker to save me their bags!) :)
And for the beer enthusiasts ................(I think this one might be my favorite) a friend saved these labels for me. I'm not much of a pumpkin beer drinker, actually, I'm not much of a pumpkin anything person however, I have to admit that there are a couple of pumpkin brews out this season that have only the lightest suggestion of pumpkin & are quite tasty!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Seattle EtsyRAIN Pre-Holiday Show
I apologize from being SO absent in my postings, but as soon as I heard about this juried show that's put on by my local Seattle EtsyRAIN group, I've been creating like a mad woman so I'd have enough "opportunities" for people to purchase at my booth.
It's a 2-day show, at Intiman Theatre (in the Seattle Center), October 16th & 17th, from 11-5 pm. With Christmas right around the corner, it's a great opportunity to purchase handmade art from local artists!!
If you're in the area, stop by & say hello, I'd love to see you!! :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Published in the UK!!!

A wonderful friend of mine, Marion Barnett, published a journal of mine that I created using Evolon. You might remember a blog post I did on this journal back in June of last year. Marion introduced me to Evolon, told me to work with it & see what happens. I tried to give up twice, but Marion wouldn't let me & I'm glad she didn't! I was able to have the opportunity to work with a fiber I didn't even know existed & it really challenged me since I was used to working with natural fabrics & this is more of a synthetic. (Which is why I stumbled & hesitated so much!!)
Once I started working with it, it reminded me a lot of Tyvek & since I had played with Tyvek quite a bit, my fear subsided (a little).
Both Tyvek & Evolon can be melted using a heat gun, however, Evolon takes a lot longer to melt & I think it's more toxic smelling than when melting Tyvek, so make sure you wear a respirator & do your "melting" outside, just to be on the safe side!!
You can read about the the techniques I used here. (Thank you Lynda Monk & Carol McFee for introducing me to Golden Fluid Acrylics). The beautiful colors with the synthetic fibers of Evolon created a beautiful shimmering appearance!
I was SO excited to see my work published in Marion's book, that I didn't even notice when I read through it the first time that I was the only US artist published in this book!! (Didn't know I could get anymore excited than I already was, but it happened!!)
Below is an "up close & personal" look at my journal. I think, um..........those might be my fingerprints in the paints (I used my fingers to "move" the color around on the surface) we'll just call those "the artist's textural marks".
Monday, July 12, 2010
Published in Draft Magazine!!!

Wow!!! The thought of working in the beer industry & being able to create my art................................sigh!!!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Repurposed Art from Pacific NW Brewers

Black Raven Brewing Lanyard
Not only do I have the endless opportunities to sample great beer, but also to create repurposed art from the colorful labels on those beer bottles!!

Rogue Dead Guy wallets & lanyard

Elysian, The Immortal IPA wallet
You can find my work in my Etsy shop & if you live locally in the Seattle area, Reconstructed Clothing Co now carries my repurposed "beer label" art. If you want something that you don't see in either place, feel free to convo with me. One person from Nashville, Tennessee who's favorite brewery in Nashville, Yazoo Brewing, sent me labels from their beers to make luggage tags for her & her husband. (LOVE the colors!)

Have I gotten tired of any of this? NO!! I LOVE creating this art. Check back either later this week or early next week, I'll be posting about my HUGE order that I received from Deschutes Brewery!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Featured on
May 17-23 is American Craft Beer Week & what better way to support American Beer Craft Week (other than drinking wonderful craft beers) but also by creating art from those empty bottles, beer labels, bottle caps & 6-pack cardboard containers!!
Check out my wonderful friend :), Michelle's bottle cap bracelet!! I think some of those might be from caps that I sent her!! We constantly support each others' art habits by Michelle saving & scavaging curbside recycle bins while walking her dog, Rosi, while I save her all the caps from what I drink & from when I attend social events that serve their beer in bottles. Just last night at my office's Cinco de Mayo party, I was able to get her over 20 usable bottle caps. :) (Will be mailing those out soon with bunch of others, Michelle!!)
I have to say, since I've started creating art from repurposed materials, it really makes you realize, how many missed opportunities, get tossed into the garbage that could have been used to create art. (I have 5 Rubbermate totes FULL of possible opportunities!!)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
PUBLISHED!!! 1000 Artisan Textiles
Woot!!! My Green Apple Martini Quilt aka "GAM" was published in 1000 Artisan Texiles!! What a wonderful book to own, so many beautiful colors, so many wonderful pieces!! A definite "must have" to any art book collection!!
(If you didn't know, I'm the one up in the top right corner!!)
Friday, March 19, 2010
might have sunken to a new low............
I ride the bus to & from work every morning & as I was walking by the copy center that's about a block from where I work, next to one of their trash cans (this wasn't a dumpster) was an empty 6-pack of New Belgium Fat Tire beer bottles (still in the cardboard container). It seemed odd that they were sitting there & with their bottle caps at the bottom of the container (Michelle, I will be sending them to you so you can use them in your work) :)
Were they just waiting there for me to pick them up & give them a new purpose? When I first walked by, I thought, how strange & I took a couple of steps, walking past them, then stopped, turned around & then you cannot imagine the train of thoughts that ran through my brain.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Think Pink.....

As those of you that have had the pleasure of introducing a new pet to your family, trying not to freak out the new pet, while trying to reassure the pets you had in the house before the new one arrived that you still love them just as much. It's been leaps & bounds with trying to get everyone to like each other, but I think we achieved success!!! Milana loves sleeping with us at night (she actually beats my DH to bed each night). You can either find her laying between us or on papa's pillow closely spooning his head, which he still hasn't gotten used to. :)
AND, she's my little studio cat!! She loves hanging out with me while I'm in the studio & her personality really comes out when she's hanging with mom. She's very good at reminding mom, with little meows ,that I should take breaks from time to time to pet & play with her :) She's an absolute wonderful addition to our family!!
One other bit of happy news (I think), I'm doing my first Arts & Crafts fair in April & I'm SO NERVOUS!!! I went out & bought my 6ft foldable table & am slowly gathering items I need, but oh wait............I need to fill that 6ft with my art. My luggage tags & mini wallets are pretty small on that 6ft table, so you can imagine, that I've been a creating machine ever since I found out I was accepted for the show. I have plans for other items as well, but I really don't have a surplus of items I've created just hanging around in my studio, so I will be a VERY busy woman up until the show comes.
Any pointers or helpful ideas for a person who's never done an Arts & Crafts fair, would be MUCH appreciated, since I'm a nervous WRECK!! The one nice thing is that this show is indoors, so I don't need a tent. And, what about a tent? If I'm not sure that I'm going to do many of these Arts & Crafts fairs, is it smarter to rent a tent?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Are You Over 21?
(This might be my most favorite matching set, LOVE the blues!!) This luggage tag & mini wallet were made from Widmer's Drifter Pale Ale beer labels & of course, hand dyed bamboo for the interior.
This tag & wallet was made using repurposed Hoegaarden beer labels & you can find them here in my shop.
LOVE the colors in this luggage tag made from a repurposed Ninkasi Spring Ale label! I almost didn't add this one to my shop, but I decided, I have enough tags & maybe someone else would love this one as much as I do & would like to give it a new home :)
Should you wonder where I get my stock of all of these fabulous labels? I'm very fortunate that where we live in the Pacific NW, there are a vast amount of micro breweries not only in Washington, but also Oregon & California, all creating wonderful beers to be enjoyed!!
You'll have to check back often as I have plans for other items to be made from these labels :)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wonderful Website for Etsy Sellers
There are no membership fees, no log ons with passwords, just enter the name of your Etsy shop in the box & hit enter!! From there, you can see who hearts your shop & where they're from (if they've entered that info into Etsy when registering.) Under the "item hearts" tab, are pictures of each of the items in your shop & how many hearts they have.
There is a shop statistics tab, for you number crunchers out there, a helpers tab, that actually can create product flyers of items in your shop & a widgets tab (LOVE this)!!! If you look up in the right corner of my blog, you'll see a flashing widget of the items in my shop & if you click on it, you'll be taken right to the item in my Etsy shop where you'll have the opportunity to purchase that item that you originally clicked on in my blog. (Nice, huh!!)
Oh & if you didn't notice already, in the photo above (mine's the third shop announcement down) you also have the opportunity to purchase advertising spots for your shop at a very reasonable rate!!
I just think it's a wonderful little site to use along with my Etsy shop & would love to give kudo's to whomever created the site!! Thanks!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Twizzlers.... As Always a Low Fat Candy
I have quite a few gatorade labels but have been dragging my feet since I was unsure how to deal with the transparent labels. I think this might have helped me get over that hump.