Michelle, if you're reading this, look away, don't go any further. It will spoil your surprise. I knew you wouldn't listen to me :) Actually, Michelle knew she was getting this, she just didn't know what it would look like.

© 2009 Tracy Borders
I was hostess of Bingo in our Dyehard_Runoff group, where everyone was to pick 12 words that you think of when you here the word, Spring & Michelle won. So, Michelle's prize is this journal.

LOVE that dragonfly button :)!! I used black elastic cord that wrapped around the journal & then the button to keep the journal closed. I would have preferred using brown or turquoise instead, but I looked all over heaven & earth & could only find colors of black, white, metallic red, silver, gold & green. Maybe I'm not using the proper words to search online? I know that florists use other colors, but I just cannot seem to locate those sources. If anyone has any other ideas where to look, please feel free to let me know!!

This journal was made of hand dyed bamboo & turquoise eyelash yarn & inside, there is removable notepad (which I made, have to use up those 500 binding combs!) I'm really starting to like this style of journals. When the notepad runs out, you add another & NO signatures to sew in. My stitches never seem to line up very nicely on the outside, if I could hide them so you couldn't see those stitches on the outside, I'd consider going back to sewing them in.

Michelle was my guinea pig with these new labels. I had these made from an artist who has a shop on Etsy. (You might have to click on the photo to see them better.) I've been wanting a label with my Etsy shop's name & website on it so I can add it to the items I have for sale. This label can be ironed or stitched on.
Hope Michelle will be happy with this journal!!