I've had cats & dogs both named Sprite, Pepper (Dr.) & here's one that was a little different................Pepsi. (Hey, if you love Pepsi, then why not right?) :)
My first dog collar customer, loved Twisted Tea & wanted to enter herself with her dogs into a "Get Your Pic on the Carton of Twisted Teas" Contest (she had collars made for her 11 dogs)

Please meet Henry & Stella & Murphy & Bailey & Brewster & Guinness & .............................. & all the rest of my Squigglechick Dogs :)

And of course, I can't leave out my 3 children :) (Taryn, Matisse & Milana)
(our silver cat, Milana is a free spirit & prefers to go what we call "naked" & that's ok) :)

I LOVED sharing all of these photos & I apologize for any I might have missed!! To all of my customers that I've created collars for, THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity of creating collars for you & I look forward to making & creating collars for more Squigglechick Dogs (& Cats!)