We took over 1050 photos while on our trip, so it is taking me awhile to go through each of them & weed out the bad pics & put names to the rest.
So far, I've made it through 72 photos, only 978 more to go, which is ok, because as I go through them it brings up very happy memories :)
When going through our Rome pics, I have noticed that Rome has been documented VERY well in books & on the net. So that pic that I took of the three columns, actually does have a name & it was easy to locate the information.
Thought I'd include a few photos of my most favorite places.................
While in Rome.....................................

The Pantheon was my MOST favorite place!! We had tried to get in to see it for two days & both times, they were having Liturgy services. The third day, we went really early in the morning & it paid off. There were only about 7 people inside including my DH & I. What a BEAUTIFUL & peaceful site!! AND with only the 7 of us inside, it was so quiet & I hate to use the word but "awesome", I found myself quite emotional. I could have spent hours there just looking around & enjoying the site. Unfortunately, that didn't last long, a huge drove of people entered & that calm peacefulness disappeared, which was really too bad.
My second most favorite place, the Coliseum
If you're wondering, the top two photos are not postcards, I actually took those pics, myself & am VERY happy how they turned out.
DH & Me
Those who follow my blog, know this little gal. Adriana went on our trip with us & had a blast. She wasn't camera shy either :) We have pics where she's overlooking Palatine Hill, hanging out in the Amsterdam airport waiting for our flight to Rome, overlooking Old Towne Dubrovnik from our apartment & hanging with mom at the Trevi Fountain & St Peter's Square.
(I had to share this.) While walking the Roman Forum, I came across this beautiful ruin. It was just sitting there looking SO brand new :)
Rome was wonderful to see, all of it's Art history, the culture, the food, but I think we enjoyed Croatia just a little bit more.
It's so hard to explain why.............like in Dubrovnik, the culture, the people, the food, everything seemed more relaxed, seemed like the "old ways" (if that makes any sense). Rome, as we know is "old" too with the art & history, but it seems modernized, tons of people walking everywhere, driving their tiny little cars & riding their scooters everywhere & the feeling I had while staying in Dubrovnik & visiting the villages while on our Flotilla, seemed a lot slower & kind of "old world". It was just wonderful!!
We flew into Croatia around 9:30 at night & this was the most spectacular view from our apartment of Old Town Dubrovnik. (Glad we brought the tri-pod for the camera along.)
Old Towne Dubrovnik is surrounded by a high fortressed wall & you can walk all along the top of it capturing beautiful views. DH took this photo of me resting at the highest point on the wall overlooking Old Towne. (Think he did a great job at taking this photo, even though, he's an engineer, the guy has an eye for art.) :)
There are 6 of us (co-workers & friends) that all enjoy sailing together & about a year ago one of them mentioned doing a sailing Flotilla in Croatia & here we are!! There were 4 of us on one boat & the other 2 invited another couple that were friends of theirs. We had a WONDERFUL time!!
This placed tied with Old Towne for my most favorite place in Croatia. We had one free day & evening to go wherever we wanted to moor. We actually were planning on just anchoring in a cove nearby, but after a day of very strong wind & waves, the women of both our boats (either from being seasick or just "shot" nerves) ruled the majority & "strongly suggested" that we moor here in Trestenik (Trstenik). Apparently, the Ferry used to stop here but has since moved on to a different place to tie up. You can see both of our Sunsail boats moored up right in the very same place the Ferry used to dock.
This little village was absolutely fabulous!! We had coffee & gelato at their cafe & had a wondeful dinner at their outdoor restaurant AND it was so quiet & NO winds tossing around the boat!!
That evening, while on a walk, we discovered the Grgic Winery. The next morning, we visited for a wine tasting. Now you may be thinking, tasting wine at 10 AM? Something I noticed while on this 2.5 week trip, time on a clock meant nothing. Wine tasting at 10 AM, drinking a beer at a cafe at 10:30 AM because it's SO hot & humid, eating hot dogs at breakfast. Now that is an entirely different & VERY hilarious story. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken, but there were 4 witnesses.
We had thee most FABULOUS time while in Rome & Croatia & have already started planning for our next trip? Greece? Thailand?